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Available Online

Discovery Call

Including First Session Free

  • 1 hour
  • Google Meet Link

What is 1:1 Coaching?

I offer a unique coaching experience rooted in my personal journey of resilience, self-discovery, and empowerment. You'll gain insights from my adversities turned advantages, and now as a life coach and NLP student, I guide you toward self-discovery through resiliency and positive transformation. Invest in coaching that offers real, tangible results. You're more ready than you think you are.

Cancellation Policy

Discovery Call Policy 1. Honour Commitments: Your commitment to a scheduled Discovery Coaching call is essential for the coaching process. I encourage you to honour these commitments as a vital part of your dedication to personal growth. 2. Rescheduling Recommended: While there's no formal cancellation policy, I strongly recommend rescheduling rather than canceling the session. This acknowledges the potential importance of the engagement in your transformative journey. 3. Coachee/Clients Responsibility: Coachees/Clients hold a pivotal role in their personal growth and success. While I provide guidance, tools, and support, the ultimate responsibility for applying insights and making positive changes lies with you. 4. Reflection of Commitment: Success in the coaching journey is a reflection of your commitment, effort, and willingness to embrace the transformative process. Your active involvement and dedication contribute significantly to the outcomes of our collaborative work. 5. Confidentiality: Your privacy is my priority. Anything discussed during the Discovery Call will be held in strict confidence. 6. Respecting Boundaries: Mindfulness of your personal boundaries. Feel free to share within your comfort level, and discussions will be conducted with sensitivity to your individual boundaries. 6. Openness and Vulnerability: Embrace the opportunity to be open and vulnerable about your challenges and emotions. Authentic self-expression fosters a deeper understanding and facilitates targeted coaching. 7. Supportive Feedback: Be open to receiving constructive and supportive feedback. This collaborative approach enhances the coaching experience and contributes to your growth. 8. Mutual Respect: Acknowledge and respect the unique experiences and perspectives brought to the coaching session. By adhering to this policy, you ensure a positive and effective coaching experience, aligning with your commitment to personal growth and achieving significant goals.

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