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Available Online

13 sessions x60 min 1:1 with Coach Katie

*12 Hours a day text support *1 FREE session

  • 1 hour
  • 2,121 Canadian dollars
  • Google Meet

What is 1:1 Coaching?

Through 13 sessions of 60 minutes each, you’ll embark on a transformative journey rooted in resilience, self-discovery, and empowerment. Tried and tested; Clients benefit from practical strategies forged through hitting rock bottom and rebuilding. I understand the power of perseverance, from having navigated lifelong challenges to establishing successful businesses. Clients gain insights from my experience in confronting inner struggles, embracing self-love, and reshaping mindset through personal development. As a life coach and NLP student, I guide others toward self-discovery, empowerment, and positive transformation. Invest in coaching that offers real tangible results. You're more ready than you think you are.

Cancellation Policy

DISCOVERY CALL MANDITORY Embarking on this 1:1 Coaching experience signifies a commitment to your personal growth and well-being. The following guidelines are designed to create a collaborative and positive coaching environment: 1. Active Participation: Engage proactively during sessions by sharing your experiences, insights, and challenges, as this contributes to the effectiveness of the coaching process. 2. Respectful Communication: Maintain respectful communication, listening attentively, asking questions, and approaching discussions with openness and an overall non-judgmental attitude. 3. Confidentiality: Understand that your privacy is top priority, and information shared during coaching sessions will be held in strict confidence. 4. Openness and Vulnerability: Embrace the opportunity to be open and vulnerable about your challenges and emotions, facilitating targeted coaching. 5. Agenda Setting: Take an active role in setting the agenda by bringing forth challenges and topics that matter most to you. 6. Expectations and Goal Setting: Participate in discussions to set clear expectations and goals, ensuring coaching time is tailored to your specific needs. 7. Respecting Boundaries: Be mindful of your personal boundaries, sharing within your comfort level, with discussions conducted sensitively. 8. Commitment to Growth: Commit to personal growth and development, being open to feedback, engaging in self-reflection, and actively working towards actionable steps. 9. Prompt Attendance: Arrive punctually to maximize dedicated coaching time. 10. Feedback Structure: Engage in a structured feedback mechanism involving periodic check-ins to evaluate session effectiveness and make adjustments. 11. Mutual Respect: Acknowledge and respect unique experiences and perspectives brought to the coaching session. Adhering to these expectations contributes to a positive and collaborative 1:1 coaching experience, aligning with your commitment to personal growth and well-being.

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